Malware Repository

Information obtained (via shared or submitted samples) regarding malicious software (droppers, backdoors, etc.) used by adversaries

ID: DS0004
Platform: PRE
Collection Layer: OSINT
Version: 1.0
Created: 20 October 2021
Last Modified: 20 October 2021

Data Components

Malware Repository: Malware Content

Code, strings, and other signatures that compromise a malicious payload

Malware Repository: Malware Content

Code, strings, and other signatures that compromise a malicious payload

Domain ID Name
Enterprise T1587 Develop Capabilities
.001 Malware
Enterprise T1588 Obtain Capabilities
.001 Malware

Malware Repository: Malware Metadata

Contextual data about a malicious payload, such as compilation times, file hashes, as well as watermarks or other identifiable configuration information

Malware Repository: Malware Metadata

Contextual data about a malicious payload, such as compilation times, file hashes, as well as watermarks or other identifiable configuration information

Domain ID Name
Enterprise T1587 Develop Capabilities
.001 Malware
.002 Code Signing Certificates
Enterprise T1588 Obtain Capabilities
.001 Malware
.002 Tool
.003 Code Signing Certificates